New Post: SART Presents Golden. Wanted: To buy hay equipment…call 828-284-4237. 80 South near Parkway. 2 days ago · July 21, 2023 Latest Updates, Local News. One person was killed and two others seriously injured in a head-on collision south of Bakersville in Mitchell County on Monday, April 24, 2023. July 28, 2022 Latest Updates, Local News. Keith Masters, age 75, of Harrell Hill Road in Bakersville, passed away Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at his home. Lil’ Lady cougar volleyball camp for grades 2nd-5th will be July 24th & 25th from 9:00-11:00. WKSK - 580AM - 93. July 12, 2023 Latest Updates, Local News. Sports, music, news, audiobooks, and podcasts. New Post: Friday Night Unwind for Teens. As an independent my whole life I find it tragically comic that there are folks out there who need to hear xenophobic supporters of authoritarian regimes ‘splain the need for another perspective to them. 7 hours ago · New Post: Local Non-Profits Receive Funds From Mtn Air Community. I wholeheartedly agree with the Court. August 2, 2022 Latest Updates, Local News. December 30, 2021 Latest Updates, Local News. She loved life, trips to the mountains to. COVID News. July 14, 2023. George “Bo” Williamson Jr. New Post: Yancey Board of Ed 7/17 Meeting. . The FY24 NDAA saves taxpayers $40 billion or 5% of current defense spending levels. New Post: Local Non-Profits Receive Funds From Mtn Air Community. Town of Spruce Pine 7/24 Agenda. Troopers said a Jeep was traveling east in the west bound lane when it struck a Kia vehicle head on. A one vehicle accident on Thursday evening January 6th killed two people. WTOE/WKYK Radio, Burnsville, North Carolina. May 9, 2023 Latest Updates, Local News The Local Government Commission (LGC) has approved more than $100 million in financing requests from local governments around the state for school construction and other facilities, to renovate town halls and to purchase property for public use, and nearly $270 million for water and. News Lexington mental health professional reacts to study saying teen suicide rates dropped during COVID-19 school shutdowns Updated : Jul. Deadly Mitchell County Wreck. View; Submit; Business Directory;. Local Non-Profits Receive Funds From Mtn Air Community. Troopers said Cynthia Boone hit a pickup truck from behind, then struck another. Yancey Board of Ed 7/17 Meeting. WKYK Main Control Room, ext 0294 WTOE Main Control Room, ext 0247 Michael Sink, President, ext 0224 Holly Hall,. While en route to the location, dispatch advised deputies that there was a report of one person with a gunshot wound. New Post: Shop Local Independent Retailer Month July 24 thru 29 in Yancey County. 00 bond and scheduled to appear in court on 5/05/2022. If anyone wants to film it they are duplicating what is already being done. Lexington police: 19-year-old, 16-year-old charged in connection with Tazewell Dr homicide. New Post: SART Presents Golden Boys of Bluegrass. New Post: Tickets are on sale now for “Grandfather Presents: David Sibley”. Following are some key highlights of the vote I cast for you on this year’s NDAA. Both Mitchell and Yancey counties have local primary races. Listen to your favorite radio stations at Streema. 5FM - West Jefferson, NC - Your Community Leader for Local News, Sports, and Information TRADING POST – WKSK – 580AM – 93. Foxx Report –7/7/23. New Post: New Post: Yancey Board of Ed 7/17 Meeting. Articles on last 2 posts. These changes involved adding in areas of flooring and the. He continues to do part time engineering for WTOE and WKYK. 3). Not an issues in this case. New Post: Buncombe Turnpike In Burnsville Friday 7/21. Shame on people who pollute and u know who you are. New Post: Yancey Sheriff's Office Felony Arrest Report 7/14 - 7/20/23. Party politics, new and old. Roger Carroll (new) Travis Dellinger. New Post: Town of Spruce Pine 7/24 Agenda. New Post: Foxx Report – 7/21/23. June 22, 2023 Opinions. Elementary School Open House will be Wednesday, August 16, 4:00 – 6:30 p. Lexington police announced on Tuesday that. Avery County is located at 200. Foxx Report – 7/21/23. The Accident occurred at the intersection of 197 and Highway 19E near Glen Raven Mills. . New Post: Spruce Pine - System Pressure Advisory--Cancelled 7/21. Details Obituaries Services. New Post: August at the Orchard. m. Americans struggling in 2023. New Post: Swap Shop Items. Middle and High School Open House will be. Controversial Shirt Leads To Controversial Decision. Don’t you see what is happening now when you go to purchase anything-it’s not going down the price will continue to rise. Darrell Burleson. During the June 12. July 13, 2023 Latest Updates, Other, Yancey County Sports. Camp for 6th-8th grade is July 26th & 27th from 9:00-12:00. The wreck occurred around 7:15 p. New Post: Fireworks & Town Wide Yard Sale in Mitchell County New Post: Yancey County Sheriff’s Felony Arrest Report 06/16/2023 To 06/22/2023 New Post: Yancey EDC Special Meeting 6/28 New Post: Yancey Commissioners and Library Board Meeting 6/26 New Post: Swap Shop Items New Post: Yancey Humane Society Spay / Neuter Clinic New Post:. Text for pictures 828-385-3111. 5 and 3. Yancey County 12U Team Advances to State. The FY24 NDAA saves taxpayers $40 billion or 5% of current defense spending. October 13, 2021 Latest Updates, Local News Yancey citizens have been waiting since the announcement was made in September for filming of the movie version of “The Peripheral” to begin. Hear the live, local spiritual journey of a co-dependent in recovery and “Celebrate Recovery”. 226 near Wilson Road when a 2004 GMC SUV traveling south crossed the center line and hit a. November 30, 2022 Obitiuaries. COVID News. Second, Get out of the youtube/social media spiral. Sheriff Banks said “Tonight will mark 40 years since I first started working for the Yancey County Sheriff’s Office. Re :Struggling Goes On. June 26, 2023 Opinions. The list includes Jeff Harding and Steve Pitman who are incumbents, Jerry Prosser, Dewayne McKinney and Clayton Roberts. The main misconception aka misinformation and disinformation pushed in the world is the Clause means to keep God out of government. Send Flowers Website. New Post: Mental Health and Wellness Center To Open. If y’all could post those articles, parents may not know what is happening with states passing laws to charge parents of a crime or having their kids taken away is very important information. Lived in those wild days but i was aware of my surroundings at all times. Over a two-day period beginning on. William Kehler, emergency services director for McDowell County EMS said the EMS along with Ashford Fire Department and McDowell Rescue, responded to the. During this FREE show, children are welcome to join us to make a FREE craft and will receive a FREE book at the end of the show!Re: Church and State. Tickets are on sale now for “Grandfather Presents: David Sibley”. More details as they become available. A native of Yancey County, he was a son of the late Patricia “Gail” Edwards, who passed away in 2005. He was issued $50,000. For Sale: 1998 Dozer: 25” tracks and 10’ blade, 5342 hours. New Post: Yancey Sheriff's Office Felony. (From Carolina Public Press) 2020 is a major elections year in North Carolina, with voters making choices for federal, state and local offices. NC State Board of Elections ». on U. New Post: Spruce Pine - System Pressure Advisory--Cancelled 7/21. June 23, 2023 Opinions. Nora Nell Wayson, age 71, of Bakersville, went to be with the Lord on Monday, June 12th, 2023 at her home. Employers across the nation are feeling the immense strain caused by President Biden’s failed economic policies as they struggle to retain skilled workers they need. Twenty-seven affordable rental housing units are coming to Yancey County on three acres of property at the end of Sawmill Hollow Road, east of Burnsville. Town council member Russell Fox filed for the mayor position as has Eric Klein. m. Change Orders for STES & EYMS Superintendent Kathy Amos reviewed 3 Change Orders presented by Harper General Contractors. According to the Highway Patrol, the wreck occurred around 4 p. Do you need your house cleaned inside an out or does your yard need mowed,weedeated,or aerated an seeded if you need some help around the house an yard then text 828-379-1453. First, no blinders. ) Lauren Kelly McClellan 39, Of Green Mountain, NC Was Arrested On 07/15/2023 And Charged With Felony Possession With Intent To Manufacture Sell And Deliver Schedule 1 Controlled. 5 million Americans were homeless pre COVID those figures are rising rapidly because rents are thru the roof income not. Vaccination sites: 675-6266. The American Farmer-Food. . C. . Congrats to Yancey County 12u team for winning the Tar Heel Leagues District 2 Championship and advancing. Jamie Waycaster, 43 of Spruce Pine, NC. New Post: Seek Truth! Find Jesus Vacation Bible School. The next regular meeting of the school board will be held on Monday, August 21, 2023 in the YCS District Office Board Room. This is not complaining this is something that informs people to prepare for what is coming and if you don’t agree with this then that is your choice . Home; News. Deputy M. One person was killed and a 7-year-old was airlifted to the hospital after a multi-vehicle crash Tuesday afternoon. A Mitchell County Business was destroyed by fire last night. Blue Ridge Regional in Spruce Pine and McDowell Hospital in Marion are among the hospitals whose patients’ information was affected. July 7, 2023 Opinions. New Post: Connect @ Your Library. The theme is “Seek Truth! Find Jesus. He is survived by a brother, Eric Williamson of. . Let’s see. The ones (WISE) that want to listen can get prepared . Plans have been underway for 8 years and are expected to reach completion in 2025. New Post: Empty Bowls Fundraiser for Mitchell Shepherd's Staff New Post: WIC Program Information New Post: Parkway Playhouse Jr Presents "Beauty and The Beast" New Post: You Are Invited To Jade Wellbeing Open House New Post: Shop Local Independent Retailer Month July 24 thru 29 in Yancey County New Post: Mitchell Commissioners. Victims, Suspect Identified in Triple Murder. In Spruce Pine incumbents Larry McKinney and Jackie Rensink filed for the council seats. April 27, 2022 Obitiuaries. Just after 4:30 pm, Monday, August 1st, Yancey County deputies were dispatched to a report of shots fired inside a residence at 44 Smith Johnson Road in Yancey County. 60% of families in America are living paycheck to paycheck, 23% of these families make $25,000 or less per year, between 2. I do take issue with some of what is going on in some. m. Election. I AM the public. New Post: Air Quality Alert New Post: Empty Bowls Fundraiser for Mitchell Shepherd's Staff New Post: WIC Program Information New Post: Parkway Playhouse Jr Presents "Beauty and The Beast" New Post: You Are Invited To Jade Wellbeing Open House New Post: Shop Local Independent. On Tuesday, June 13 th a second warrant for arrest was obtained, by Detective Brandon Wilson of the Yancey County Sheriff’s Office, for 36 Year old James. COVID News. New Post: Grandfather Mountain to host Animal Enrichment Day on Aug. New Post: Grandfather Mountain to host Animal Enrichment Day on Aug. The driver of the Kia, 35 year old Joshua Watson of. Vaccination Information. WKYK - WKYK, #1 Country Music, AM 940, Burnsville, NC. , age 58, of Hendersonville, NC, passed away unexpectedly Thursday, January 6th, 2022. 2. Mitchell; Yancey; State; Federal; NCNN; Community. NC Election Returns ». July 21, 2023. A native of South Toe River and Celo, NC, she was the daughter of Resa Riddle Oakes and Larry Carver of Marion, NC and David Robinson of Celo, NC. This particular situation, a public meeting that is being broadcast and recorded for all to access, something I do regularly, has nothing to do with privacy or lack of it. $125… text for details 828-208-0569 For Sale: 2 p235/75/r15 tires. August at the Orchard. Over a two. At the commissioners meeting last night, a lady brought up the point of separation of church and state to justify her feelings on the prayer at the beginning of each meeting makes her uncomfortable. An early morning crash in the Limestone Cove community of Unicoi claimed the life of a North Carolina resident Tuesday, August 10th. September 19, 2022 Latest Updates, Local News A Yancey County woman was killed Sunday, September 18th and her husband was seriously wounded in a 3-vehicle crash in Tennessee. Higgins Memorial United Methodist Church hosts “Celebrate Recovery” every Wednesday evening from 6:00 pm – 8:00pm. New Post: Yancey Health Department Donation Drive New Post: Mitchell High School Class of '83 40th Reunion New Post: Congratulations Soaky Mountain Waterpark Ticket Winner New Post: Foxx Report – 7/14/23 New Post: 4th Annual Founders Day Golf Tournament New Post: 8u,10u, 12u, 15u Ball Teams Are Heading To State Championships New Post:. It’s a struggle, always has been for some, worse for others now. ”. New Post: Mitchell Commissioners Unanimously Pass Both Ordinances. -because we are going to be in a class (struggling) that you own NOTHING and be HAPPY. News. Darrell started work part time at WTOE in 1972. The hazy Conditions yesterday continue today across the Western North Carolina Mountains. $38,000…call 828-284-0366. I recycle, everything when I visit the river I take trash bags and pick up garbage and then recycle it. , on N. The struggle goes on. New Post: Yancey Board of Ed 7/17 Agenda.